SEO Guide For Beginners – The Digital Hype

SEO Guide For Beginners – The Digital Hype 

The practice of SEO, or search engine optimization, began in the middle of the 1990s. Read further to know all about SEO

What is SEO?

The process of consistently enhancing your site's organic rankings on search engines like Google, YouTube, Amazon, and Bing is known as search engine optimization (SEO).

Due to the ability to attract targeted traffic to your website through improved search engine rankings, SEO is a popular digital marketing tool.

that ultimately might result in more leads and paying clients.

For instance, more than 21,500 people look for the goods or services provided by your company each month.

In actuality, SEO typically entails:

  • Creating high-quality content
  • Monitoring your site’s technical health
  • Building backlinks from other sites
  • Making sure your website loads quickly
  • having a user-friendly, intuitive website
what is seo - the digital hype

When did SEO actually begin?

However, the method of search engine optimization that we now refer to as SEO existed before Larry Page and Sergey Brin's most well-known search engine.

Before Google was created, SEO was a notion. The band Jefferson Starship is said to have contributed significantly to the development of the phrase SEO between 1995 and 1997. When the band couldn't access their website while travelling, they called promoter Bob Heyman in a rage.

A few fan sites have been discussing "Jefferson Starship" with such fervour that they outranked the band's official page in search engine results. In order to climb the ranks, Heyman and his collaborator Leland Harden increased the number of "Jefferson Starship" mentions on the official page.

Even while it's possible that this story is more historical revisionism than actual fact, all indications are that the phrase SEO first appeared about 1997.

If you look around a bit more, you'll discover that John Audette of Multimedia Marketing Group was using the phrase on February 15, 1997.

At that time, all you required to improve your SEO performance was a functional website, some inbound links, some outbound links, and numerous references to your concentrate keyphrase. By the middle to end of the 1990s, a number of tech pioneers started employing these strategies with notable success.

By the year 2003, the term "search engine optimization" had made its Wikipedia debut, solidifying its place in internet slang and igniting a burgeoning sector of consultants and analysts who help businesses rank highly in search engine results.

Why Is SEO Important?

In contrast to PPC(Pay-Per-Click) or social media ads, SEO is crucial since it drives "free" visitors to your website.

You'll earn a lot of free clicks if you rank well on a results page. Considering that over 75% of Google searchers select organic results

In other words, you'll receive a steady stream of passive visitors once you achieve high rankings for your desired keywords.

Obviously, SEO requires time, effort, and money.

However, the key advantage of SEO over other marketing methods is that it gradually brings "passive" visitors to your website.

However, before we dive into the specific techniques, it's critical to comprehend how search engines (more especially, Google) operate on a technical level.


Technology can certainly be a huge advantage to businesses, it’s everywhere and has created so many ways for businesses to reach out to their customers today. But at the same time, there are some ways that technology is hindering business growth as well. Let’s talk about the advantages and disadvantages of technology; how it works for bettering business growth or just making it harder and more complicated.


How does search engine work?

To organise and rank content, search engines like Google employ very complicated procedures called "algorithms."

These algorithms use hundreds of ranking parameters literally to determine where a certain webpage should appear in the results.

Note: When we talk about "Google ranks," we're talking about the unpaid organic results. Paid results—basically, ads—are on a completely different channel.

In a nutshell, search engines gather digital stuff and arrange it on results pages. The ultimate objective is to satisfy users with the search engine results they receive (SERPs).

Fortunately, not all of these elements are necessary for SEO success.

But it is useful to comprehend how Google finds and eventually ranks webpages.

ads chart

How does Google rank websites?

To locate and rank information, Google goes through the following steps:

Crawling: Google uses "bots" to crawl the internet in search of newly added or updated pages. A page needs links pointing at it in order for Google to find it. In general, Google finds a page more easily the more links there are pointing to it.

Indexing: Next, Google examines each page that the bots find and attempts to understand its content. Content, images, and other media files are among the things Google will examine. It then stores this information in its Google Index (in other words, its database) (in other words, its database).

Serving: Google ranks the pages in the SERPs based on which are most pertinent to users' search queries.

Important factors affecting your Google ranking

SEO is constantly evolving. In fact, Google changes its algorithm literally hundreds of times every year. So let's cover three of the current most crucial ranking signals before we get into the specific SEO techniques you can use to rank in Google.


Giving users relevant results is Google's top priority. For instance, even if the content is of "good quality," you don't want to get articles about bicycle when searching for "motor cycle."

In the past, Google used to solely focus on the keywords that appeared on a page to establish the topic of the page.

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Google still checks your page for the presence of particular keywords in some cases. But today's Google can effectively "read" an article and comprehend the subject of that page.

In this way, Google can show users relevant results even if they don't contain the exact keyword they just typed in. Ultimately, make relevant results more visible to a larger audience.


Finding a set of pertinent results is one thing. But how would you actually organise those findings? That is where authority is relevant.

Google uses authority to determine whether websites (and particular webpages) are widely trusted. The quantity of links going to a page is heavily used by Google to estimate its authority.

In an ideal situation, a page with many backlinks would rank higher than a page with none.

Content Quality

The third and final "big three" Google ranking variables are related to content quality. Of course, "quality" is fairly arbitrary. However, Google does not rely its assessment of content quality on the calibre of the writing. likewise the visual appearance of a page.

Google instead views any page that fulfils a search query as "high-quality."

To put it another way, suppose you type "best pizza in mumbai" into a search engine.

The first website is a modest one with little authority. However, the creator of that website has created an incredible list of the top pizza outlets around mumbai. many user reviews, pricing details, and more.

The second website is a more seasoned and well-known food-related website. They have a great deal of power. However, their selection of the top pizza outlet is somewhat limited. in addition to making it challenging for customers to find what they're looking for.

Website #1 frequently outranks Website #2 in search results.

How to Rank Higher on Google?

The success of most organisations' websites is greatly influenced by organic search, which is also essential to the buyer funnel and ultimately drives customers to complete conversions or engage with content.

Marketers are aware that Google has a much greater share of the search industry than rivals such as Yahoo, Bing, Baidu, Yandex, DuckDuckGo, and a plethora of other companies.


On-page SEO-

The method of optimising the content of your website for search engines is known as on-page SEO.

On-page SEO's main objective is to make it easier for search engines to comprehend what your page is all about.

To do that, you can optimise for several on-page SEO strategies, such as:

  • Content
  • Headlines and headers
  • Title tags
  • Meta descriptions
  • Images
  • Internal links
  • Structured data
  • URLs
  • HTML code

Think about an article you have on your website that discusses the advantages of eating healthy.

If you simply created that content without taking SEO into account, Google may be able to identify the topic of the page.

But when you intentionally optimise your content for search engines, you basically guarantee that Google will identify your website as one on health-related one.

In addition to repeating your target keyword on your page a few times, additional significant on-page SEO tactics include:

  • Focus on one keyword when optimising: You should focus on one keyword when optimising each page of your website (or a few variations of that keyword).
  • Use your keyword in the title tag: since Google gives more importance to material that appears there. Consequently, be sure to include your desired keyword there (once).
  • Internal Linking: it can assist Google in finding, crawling, and indexing additional pages on your website. and may possibly assist in raising those pages' SERP rankings.
  • Page speed: If they don't get the information they're looking for right away, users frequently leave a website. Utilize Google's PageSpeed Insight tool to check the page speed of your website. The programme will offer precise suggestions for accelerating processes if there are any problems.

Off-Page SEO

All SEO efforts that are carried out away from your website are referred to as off-page SEO.

How crucial is off-page SEO?

Well, off-page signals are used by Google and other search engines to evaluate the authority and reliability of your website. In particular, they rely on backlinks to inform them of the most authoritative websites.

Backlinks are essentially search engines' way of saying "I trust you." This is because a backlink from a website with a high authority raises the authority of your site. higher ranks, which may result.

Link building is the process of obtaining backlinks to your website. More links aren't necessarily better, even if you certainly want to obtain as many high-quality connections as you can. Spammy backlinks won't help your site and may possibly get you penalised by Google, which may hurt your results.

Link building may be time-consuming and challenging. However, it's a crucial skill to acquire given that backlinks are generally necessary to rank for almost any term.

Later on in this article, we'll go into more detail about link building.

But let's talk about some of the things you should focus on right now if you want to rank higher on Google.

on-page seo vs. off page seo

High-Quality Content

Google's algorithm incorporates more than 200 ranking variables. Having said that, your rankings will improve with greater content.

Therefore, rather of focusing primarily on optimising your title tags, you should focus your SEO efforts on producing amazing content.

Writing excellent content is well outside the purview of this manual.

To produce the kind of high-quality material that appears on Google's first page, there are a few things you can do.

E-A-T By Google

The acronym E-A-T stands for expertise, authority, and trustworthiness. The Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines and Google's algorithm both incorporate E-A-T.

E-A-T is "extremely significant," according to Google. If you work in the SEO industry, you've undoubtedly heard a lot about E-A-T lately.

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However, what precisely is E-A-T?

One of the many criteria Google uses to decide whether or not content is valuable to readers and should rank highly is E-A-T.

Several distinct components of Google's algorithm are based on the E-A-T principle, which is used to evaluate what information is high-quality and should be placed higher. It can therefore have an indirect effect on your total search rankings even if it is not a direct ranking criteria. Although it matters, some SEO specialists may not think it is as significant as they formerly did.

The main goal is to make sure that every page provides searchers with a comprehensive resource. Users won't have to look elsewhere for information because of this. On your website, they can find everything they require.

Write for Skimming

The majority of the time, customers don't read your entire website in one sitting. According to a research, 80% of readers only scan the items they come across. Because of this, it's critical that your material be designed with skimmers in mind.

This actually means:

  • Utilize several section subheadings.
  • Add several checkboxes and bulleted sections.
  • Use concise paragraphs and phrases.
  • When referencing content, avoid using the phrase "as mentioned before..."
  • Incorporate several images and embedded movies.

Stand Out

For the majority of high-volume terms, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of results already. Therefore, it's critical that your material somehow stands out.

That does not imply that you should create something entirely new. In reality, you should typically continue with what is presently effective (and improve upon it).

However, that doesn't mean you should just copy the top 10 results and hope to rank on Google's first page.

Instead, you should focus on improving what is already performing well on page one. And provide something special that is all your own.

You may use the following strategies to make your content stand out from the top results on google:

  • Include more data:studies, figures, and precise examples. All of these elements can help your content stand out in an ocean of ambiguous claims.
  • More relevant - Is the majority (or a portion) of the first page content outdated? If so, you might be able to use something more recent to sneak into the top 10.
  • Denser: Create content that packs more meaning per word than the competition.
  • More images: Nobody enjoys reading a mountain of words. It's simple to make your material stand out by include a lot of pictures, especially bespoke visuals.

For more tips on creating content, read our comprehensive guide to SEO copywriting 


The goal of technical SEO is to make it easier for search engines to discover, crawl, and index every page on your website that you want them to (and none that you don't).

Technical SEO also takes into account the usability and general performance of your website. So, yes, it's a crucial subject! And one that we have a sizable guide on and suggest reading.

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However, for now, here are some essential details concerning technical SEO:

  • Fast page speed - Google prioritises quicker pages higher in the search results due to the improved user experience.
  • Mobile friendliness: Your material must be simple for users to access on a mobile device. In reality, Google now assesses the performance of your content on mobile devices.
  • Good User interface and user experience- The user experience or interface of your website should enable visitors to immediately perform some type of action, such as reading an article or going to a certain area of the website.
  • Schema markup- Using schema markup, you may provide Google extra information about your content.


Site architecture isn't particularly significant for the majority of websites (such as tiny blogs or e-commerce sites). The structure of your website, however, may start to affect your SEO if it has 1,000 or more pages.

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Why is this crucial?

Search engines are able to identify and crawl all of the pages on your website with the aid of a well-organized architecture.

It may be challenging for search engines to identify new pages if your architecture is unorganised or if they are many clicks away from your homepage. A tidy site architecture also guarantees that link authority "flows" to all pages.


The act of obtaining back links to your website from other websites is known as "back linking." Four websites referring to your website serve as an example of link building. Back links are vital for ranking in Google since they are essentially endorsements of trust and authority from other websites.

In general, Google will give your website greater authority if there are more high-quality domains connecting to it. Links with high authority carry additional weight. However, while developing links, you should concentrate on quality rather than number.

In general, one backlink from a website with a lot of authority will rank higher than 100 links from unrelated, poor-quality websites.

Link building is therefore a kind of balancing act. You do want to have as many links as you can. However, such links must come from reliable, pertinent websites that are linked to the subject of your website.

Link Building

How to Build Links

Identifying individuals who have the ability to connect to your material (website owners, journalists, bloggers, etc.), directing them to it, and enticing them to link to it from a pertinent page on their site constitute the process of link building.

It seems easy in theory. But in reality, persuading someone to take time out of their day to add a link to your website can be challenging.

This is why you should concentrate on these tried-and-true link-building techniques:

  • Develop linkable resources that people would want to link to Share stuff on social media often
  • Engage in (smart) guest blogging and broken link building
  • Link brand mentions that aren't currently related
  • duplicate the backlinks of rivals
  • recover broken backlinks

In the early stages of any SEO effort, you might need to manually develop links. But eventually you want to switch to acquiring so-called "passive connections." Basically, links that are sent to your website by third parties without you having to actively develop them.

This is possible by:

  • Creating informative, trustworthy content for your niche
  • selecting the appropriate keywords will help people find your article.
  • Creating visual material that others may link to as a source, such as infographics
  • Publishing material that contains original data, as well as data that has been uniquely analysed and is valuable (or fascinating)

Local SEO

Local SEO is a branch of SEO that aims to improve a company's online visibility for regional search inquiries.

For instance, if you've ever used Google to search for "ATM," your search was geographically targeted. The "map pack," which is made up of the three sections of the results from location-specific queries:

  • Results for Google Maps
  • Results of local businesses
  • Organic search results

The results will look like this:


Google business profile

For local SEO, your website's counterpart is your Google Business Profile (formerly Google My Business).

Your Google Business Profile provides Google (and users) with important information about your company, including address, operating hours, services provided, and more.

Then, utilising three primary ranking indicators, Google ranks your profile for local inquiries using your Google Business Profile:

  • Relevance: How pertinent your company is to a searcher's local inquiry. Your company's name, category, and description are taken into account in this.
  • Distance: Google determines how far away from the user's location each relevant result is.
  • Prominence: This basically refers to how well-known your company is. This score is determined using user reviews, the authority of your website, and citations.

To learn more about optimizing your Google Business Profile, read our detailed guide.

Keep Learning About SEO

It takes time to learn the art and practise of SEO. Having said that, it's a talent that merits your time and effort. Interested in finding out about further SEO tactics you can employ to rank higher on Google? Check out these five cutting-edge SEO strategies.

Keep Learning:

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