In-Depth Guide to optimize your content for on-page SEO - The Digital Hype

In-Depth Guide to optimize your content for On-page SEO – The Digital Hype

Learn how to optimise your on-page SEO and how it can improve your website’s ranking, increase traffic, and increase visitor conversion.

On-page SEO can drive a tonne of new clients and traffic to your website.

What is on-page SEO?

The process of optimising individual web pages on your website to raise search engine rankings and enhance user experience is known as on-page SEO (search engine optimization).

To determine if a website matches a user's search intent, search engines like Google look at keywords and other on-page SEO indications. Additionally, the page will appear higher in search results if the search engine determines that it will be helpful to the user.

on-page seo vs. off page seo

Why is on-page SEO important?

The importance of on-page SEO can be attributed to the fact that it provides Google with a detailed description of your website and the benefits you offer to users. It aids in the site's optimization for both human users and search engine robots.

In other words, Google considers on-page SEO signals when determining how to rank pages.

Although Google's algorithm constantly evolves, the user experience remains a top priority. Google advises placing a priority on "people-first content."

Visitors to your website can see the adjustments and changes you make to optimise it, unlike off-page and technical SEO elements, which aren't always visible. This is why on-page SEO is called "on-page" SEO.

How to Optimise Your Content for On-Page SEO?

You must understand several essential components of an all-encompassing on-page SEO strategy to produce the kind of content and website that performs well in search engine results pages (SERPs) and increases conversion rates.

Adding keywords to your web pages is only one aspect of on-page SEO.

Here is a list of things you should do while Optimising on-page SEO:

1. crawl your website

The first thing Google does is "crawl," or scan, web pages. The page might then be "indexed" on Google. A variety of variables, including on-site SEO factors determine the purpose of the page and how it should be ranked.


A page that Google agrees to index can be reached via Google Search. However, Google does not promise that each page will be indexed. Or appear at all in search results.

Therefore, it's crucial to adjust the on-page SEO components discussed below so that they accurately convey your page's purpose to Google. So that you can appear in the search results for pertinent queries.

2. Conduct an seo audit and define your site architecture

What is an SEO audit?

An SEO audit is a process of assessing different aspects of a website that affect how well it performs in organic search.

An SEO audit is crucial because it identifies issues with a site's SEO, allowing you to fix them and begin ranking where you should. Read this article to know how to conduct an SEO audit effectively. Here is a checklist to perform an SEO audit effectively.

SEO audit

What is site structure?

The hierarchical organisation of your website's pages is referred to as its architecture. Internal connecting reflects this organisational structure. The organisation of your website should make it simple for visitors to obtain content and for search engine crawlers to comprehend the connections between various sections.

A well-structured website that is simple to navigate is a sign of strong site architecture. It employs sitemaps, breadcrumbs, category pages, and internal linking in addition to simple URLs. Here is an article to optimise your site structure.

3. Update URL slugs, page title and meta descriptions

The meta description and title tag are fundamental but essential components of SEO. Additionally, because Google frequently creates snippets from the content of meta tags, this can directly affect a searcher's decision to click through to your website.

However, if you believe that you can write anything you want in the metadata of your pages and that search engines would display it verbatim in the SERPs, you're in for a surprise. Any text from your websites may be pulled by search engines since they may deem it more pertinent and use it in the snippet. However, when it comes to utilising your tags to promote your website, there are a few guidelines that you should follow.

basics of seo (8)

Page titles -

The basic idea of a web page is summed up in the title tag, an HTML element that is visible in both browser tabs and the SERPs. It's also known as the SEO title, title tag, or meta title. It always resides inside the <head> element of an HTML page and is enclosed in the <title> tags.

The title tag informs search engine bots about the content of your website and aids in their evaluation of its relevance to the user's search query. As a result, you should optimise the title tag for your focus keyword since it is a crucial on-page component. You may be able to raise your position in search results for the term you use in your title. The following are some excellent practices for creating page titles:

  • Keep it under 60 characters
  • Don't stuff the title with Keywords
  • Make it relevant to the page
  • Never use all caps
  • Include your brand name in the title

Read this article for the best practices of writing titles.

Meta description :-

The meta description element, often known as the SEO description, is an HTML tag that, like the meta title, offers summaries of a page's content. Its primary objective is to inform users of the page's subject matter and persuade them to click through from the SERP to your website.

It always begins with the tag meta name="description"> and is located inside the head> element of an HTML page.

Google typically uses the text from the HTML meta description tag to create the snippet description, but if that tag proves to be unhelpful, just like with the title tag, Google may also use content from your page.

The advice provided below can help you properly optimise your meta description.

  • Every page needs a distinct meta description tag.
  • Keep it to 155 characters or less.
  • Give a succinct summary of your page in 1-3 sentences.
  • Include (but do not overuse) your focus keyword in your meta description.
  • Add pertinent information, such as your company's phone number or hours of operation.

Take a look at our piece to know how to optimise your meta description effectively.

Url slugs :

A slug is the portion of the URL that specifies the address of a certain page. After the domain and any sub-directories, the slug appears in the URL.

Let's compare it to an actual address. Your domain would be the location of the "complex" if your website were an office complex. The slug would then be a box number or suite number that designates a particular location inside that facility.

A URL slug distinguishes a particular page on your website from all the others on your domain, just as that box or suite number directs customers to the proper office in the complex.

Let's take our URL for this post:

Here are the elements of this URL: 

Protocol: HTTPS


Subdirectory: marketing

URL Slug: guide-to-optimize-on-page-seo

At a minimum, a URL is composed of the protocol and the domain. Other elements are added depending on the page and where it is within your site's structure.

In this example, it's really clear from the subdomain and subdirectory where you are — you're on HubSpot's blog in the Marketing section. From there, you can tell what you're going to read about in the Marketing section of HubSpot's blog — how to optimize URLs for search. Search engines get it. Readers get it. It doesn't look like spam. All good.

Internal linking best practices:

  • Make a Lot of Content
  • Improve Rankings by Linking High Authority Pages to New
  • Use Anchor Text That You Want to Rank For
  • Link Deep
  • Make certain that the links are contextual.
  • Use Relevant Links for Internal Linking
  • Be conservative in your use of internal links.
  • Make No Sitewide Footer Links
  • Place links near the top of your page.
  • Avoid using the same anchor text on two different pages.
  • Make Use of Internal Links to Aid Indexing
Tips to improve URL slugs
  • Be as straightforward as you can.
  • Remove the superfluous words from the URL slug for the page.
  • Add pertinent keyword phrases.
  • Don't overuse keywords.
  • Be sure to make it readable.
  • hyphenate words to separate them.
  • Useless slugs from other pages should not be used.
  • Avoid utilising URLs that are generated dynamically.
  • Set uniform naming guidelines for your URLs.
URL Slug Best practices
  • Keep it as simple as possible.
  • Take out the extra words in the page part of the URL slug.
  • Include relevant keywords.
  • Don't keyword stuff.
  • Make it reader-friendly.
  • Separate words with hyphens.
  • Don't use slugs that already belong to other pages.
  • Avoid using dynamically generated URLs.
  • Standardize your URL naming conventions.

4. Make sure your keyword is in the URL

Although it's a strategy worth employing, adding keywords to URLs is not something you should do carelessly. Some people even argue that using keywords in URLs is harmful, however, this only applies if you use them improperly and let them take over your entire strategy.

  • Don’t keyword stuff.
  • Aim for long-tail keywords.
  • Consider head keywords
  • Keep keywords relevant
  • Keep navigation intuitive

5. Include your keyword throughout your web pages

You should include your keyword across your website in addition to your URL (s). Your headers and title are part of this. Include your keyword in your content wherever it naturally belongs.


You should insert keywords into your content writing using the following steps:

  1. Use Keywords in Your Meta Description
  2. Insert Keywords in Your SEO Title Tag
  3. Use Keywords in Your Article Title
  4. Use Keywords Within the First 200 Words
  5. Insert Keywords Naturally Throughout the Article
  6. Use Keywords in the Last 200 Words
  7. Use Keywords in Headings (H1s, H2s, H3s, etc)
  8. Use Keywords in Anchor Text Links
  9. Use Keywords in Image Alt-tags
  10. Use Keywords in URL

6. Don’t keyword stuff.

We just went over a tonne of instances when keywords are both beneficial and essential for SEO. However, "keyword stuffing" is a mistake that a lot of beginners make while trying to improve their on-page SEO.

Stuffing your pages with keywords can hurt your website's SEO and make readers and visitors think you're spamming them.

A good thing can be overdone. Showing restraint is a necessary component of the ability of keyword optimization in content.

I'm trying to say this: Don't overdo it with keyword stuffing for SEO. This must be emphasised. Google is considerably more intelligent than it was in the early days of search and can quickly identify whether you are cramming your content with keywords for SEO purposes or utilising keywords to legitimately help visitors locate information that will help them find answers to their problems.

Google will penalise you if it believes you are solely using keywords for SEO and not for user intent. This typically means that your content won't be ranked, indexed, etc. Avoid wasting your time by stuffing your content with keywords.

basics of seo (9)

7. Establish value propositions for each page.

A value proposition is a succinct argument for why customers should pick your goods or services. It's more than just a description of your product or service; it's also a promise to provide a specific answer to a customer's problem and to add value.

Value propositions are among the most significant conversion-related criteria. The ability to close a deal or lose one may depend on an excellent value proposal.

It is crucial to make one that accurately conveys your offerings and explains why you are the best option. 

Your company's distinctive identification is your value proposition. Without it, customers won't be motivated to buy your products. They might even decide to go with a rival merely because of how well that company's marketing and sales efforts convey its value offer.

In light of this, you might question whether your value proposition is distinct from, say, your slogan.

Nope. Your value proposition can be mistaken for other brand components like your mission statement, tagline, or slogan.

Read our in-depth guide on how to write a value proposition

8. Define your target audience.

Your target audience is the particular demographic of customers most likely to be interested in your product or service and, as a result, the group that should see your advertising efforts. The target audience may be determined by a variety of characteristics, including age, gender, income, location, and hobbies.

Target audiences are focused on a particular demographic. These can be adults, adolescents, kids, or men. Usually, they have something in common, like a love of reading, running, or soccer. Personas can assist advertisers in researching pertinent magazine titles or trade journals.


How to find your target audience:

  • Use Google Analytics to learn more about your customers.
  • Create a reader persona to target blog content.
  • Look at social media analytics.
  • Use Facebook Insights.
  • Check on website performance.
  • Engage with social media audiences.

Read our guide on how to find your target audience

9. Review and edit page content as needed.

Reviewing content is an inevitable yet crucial activity in SEO. Best practice requires that we do everything we can to make sure that the work we've put hours and resources into generating remains meaningful and relevant over time because it's what draws visitors to a page. This necessitates periodically reviewing our content to find areas where it might be strengthened.


There are a few steps you can use to review your content or you can read our guide.

  • Step 1: Know your audience - Knowing your target reader will help you determine the specifics that should form the core of your content, making it the step that is arguably most crucial and addressed in this article. This involves knowledge of the reader's intent, the ideal page's look and feel, and the objectives that your content's message ought to be attempting to fulfil.
  • Step 2: Tear apart your existing content - It is necessary to disassemble everything at this point in order to decide which parts to preserve, modify, or eliminate. The performance of most components, such as tone of voice, design, and continuity, cannot simply be categorised as "excellent" or "poor," making this work incredibly difficult. Instead, they fall into a spectrum, with the most logical level of development being in the centre. Later on, I'll explain what I mean when I say that using a scorecard is one of the best ways to assess and gauge the level of optimization required for these components. This simple, repeatable, and simple-to-use tool, developed by my colleague Ben Estes, can assist you in conducting an objective evaluation of the effectiveness of your material.
  • Step 3: Evaluate your evaluation- The trouble with evaluating material is that it never truly ends. As you make changes, you'll find yourself deviating more and more from your original plan. While this is not necessarily a negative thing, you must constantly evaluate these changes to ensure that you are on the correct route to producing a highly valuable piece of content.

When you've done and believe you're ready to publish, conduct one final detailed assessment to ensure the operation of all relevant components. This includes ensuring you've addressed your audience's demands, optimised your keywords, and improved the elements indicated in the scorecard.

10. Include visual content.

Consider what type of graphic material you can put into each page as the content may be more than simply words (if it adds value and serves a purpose, of course). If you are preparing to launch a content marketing strategy, you must first determine what will promote online growth and interaction. Text-based material will always be an important aspect of marketing, but to truly stand out in the digital age, visual content must play a central role in all of your efforts.

When adding an image to a website, give a descriptive file name as well as picture alt-text.


Here are six types of visual content you can include in your marketing campaign.

  • Images
  • Videos
  • Infographics
  • Memes
  • 5. Presentations
  • Screenshots

11. Optimize your visual content.

We discussed image alt text before. You should optimise your visual material in this manner, and make sure to include your keyword in the image alt text. It will improve the page's SEO and provide the opportunity to rank in image searches (e.g. on a search engine image results page or image carousel).


Here are some tips to help you improve your visual content and please both search engines and users.

  • Watch your file sizes 
  • One of your images should include the keyword as the filename.
  • Insert the term into the alt text. Make this as descriptive as possible, as if you were explaining the image to someone who couldn't see it.
  • Include the term in the image title.
  • Include the term in the caption.
  • In the metadata, describe your image.

12. Add internal links.

An internal link is any connection that connects one page of your website to another page of your website. Links are used by both users and search engines to locate the material on your website. Your visitors utilise links to browse across your site and get the information they want. Links are also used by search engines to traverse your website. They will not view a page if there are no connections to it.

Incorporating links across your site is essential, yet it is often missed.

Make sure your anchor text contains more than your keywords. The idea is not to jam as many keywords as possible into your site, but to make it simple for visitors to navigate.


Internal linking best practices:

  • Make a Lot of Content
  • Improve Rankings by Linking High Authority Pages to New
  • Use Anchor Text That You Want to Rank For
  • Link Deep
  • Make certain that the links are contextual.
  • Use Relevant Links for Internal Linking
  • Be conservative in your use of internal links.
  • Make No Sitewide Footer Links
  • Place links near the top of your page.
  • Avoid using the same anchor text on two different pages.
  • Make Use of Internal Links to Aid Indexing

13. Include external links.

It may appear paradoxical to add external links throughout your website, given that we just discussed why internal linking is so vital for on-page SEO. External links, on the other hand, are crucial.

Google will recognise your page is reputable and trustworthy if you connect to credible and trustworthy sites. Not only does Google want to know that your site is well-referenced, but so do your visitors.

External Linking Best Practices

  • Make the links relevant.
  • Link to credible sources.
  • Use anchor text correctly.
  • Add helpful links
  • Open external links in a different tab.
  • Don’t link to competing websites.
  • Conduct a link audit.
Link Building


Once you've finalised your SEO strategy put it into action on your website or delegate the task to someone else. This will take some time to finish, so plan to focus on 5 to 10 pages every week.

Remember that SEO is not a one-time event. It's something you should keep working on.

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