How S.K. Umbrella Increased Its Organic Sessions By 90% from last year

Client - S.K. Umbrella Mfg. Co.

Domain - Umbrella Manufacturer

Service Rendered  - SEO

The Client

S.K. Umbrella is India’s top Umbrella brand and is one of the biggest manufacturer of umbrella, umbrella accessories and parts.

The Objective

With a desire to rank high on Google SEPRs, the following objectives were formulated:

  • Increase in Organic sessions
  • Increase in Keywords in top 10 ranking
  • Increase in New Users
  • Increase in Users

The Challenge

The company wanted to scale and grow its online presence; however, there were obstacles that made this goal significantly more challenging. 

These limitations included:

  • New website and limited keywords
  • Limited Keywords
  • Concerns with page speed
  • Minimum visibility on Google Maps

The Solution

In order to overcome the aforementioned challenges, the following solutions were implemented:

Technical SEO :

The Digital Hype performed technical fixes such as Updating Robots.txt file, Schemas, Sitemap, and Breadcrumb Optimization. These implementations improved our overall technical SEO health score, which helped Google crawl, index, and rank the web page higher on SERPs.

On-page optimization

Our main foucs was to optimise the meta description, URL and meta Title while publishing the webpage.

Content Gap Analysis

A thorough keyword research was conducted to identify intent-based keywords. This was followed by the inclusion of high search-volume targeted keywords in the Meta Title, Description, and Header Tags and the Above the Fold content on category pages.  Furthermore, new pages according to the high search volume.

Local SEO

We created and optimised Google My Business (GMB) profile to increase the visibility of S. K. Umbrella on google maps and updated all the details such as phone nuber, address, and website.

The Result

Umrbella business is a seasonal business and typically people search for umbrella for a limited time.

Over the course of 12 months, The Digital Hype helped S.K. Umbrella improve their visibility via an organic channel. In this process, we also improved their impression and CTR via organic channels drastically. The detailed results were as follows:

  • Organic search increased by 86.8%
  • Direct search increased by 106.5%
  • Organic users increased by 91%
  • New Users increased by 91.3%
  • New Users increased by 88% via organic channel
  • Total 828 organic click and 14.1K impressions 
  • Average CTR Of 5.9%
  • 318 Business profile interaction in GMB in just 6 months that is off-season for umbrella manufacturers.